Stay warm and safe in any crisis with our life-saving Emergency Thermal Blankets. These compact, lightweight blankets are a must-have for your car, home, and outdoor gear.
Emergency Thermal Blanket provides convenient easy protection in all cold or warm weather states
What they do:
Reflect 90% of your body heat back to you, preventing hypothermia in cold weather emergencies.
Waterproof and windproof, they shield you from the elements, keeping you dry and warm.
Highly visible. The reflective surface makes it easier for rescuers to spot you in low-light conditions.
Multi-purpose: Use them as an emergency shelter, ground cover, signal, or first-aid aid.
Why choose our Emergency Thermal Blankets:
Ultra-compact and lightweight: Easily fits in your glove compartment, backpack, or survival kit.
Durable and tear-resistant: Made from high-quality Mylar that withstands harsh conditions.
Individually packaged: Stay sterile and ready for immediate use.
Affordable: A small investment for potentially lifesaving protection.
Include them in your go-bag or bug-out bag.
Replace every 5 years.
Size of each blanket when opened - 54 inches x 84 inches or each blanket is 4 1/2 by 7 Feet
I had an alternate steak sent to me, where I added lemon juice and garlic with water to rehydrate. Then tenderized and made chicken fried steak, where it’s been years so it was very good.