All You Need To Know About Emergency Bug Out Bag
Imagine being in a crisis and you don't have the necessary emergency supplies to survive.
A natural disaster can strike at any time, leaving people without enough food or water for days. How would they get by? What if your house was damaged during this period of chaos with no way out because all routes are blocked by fires burning nearby?
This is where an emergency go bag comes in, also known as a "bug out bag". This is a backpack that contains all of the items you would need to survive for at least 72 hours.
In order for any child or adult to carry the bag during an emergency, you must ensure that the bags you choose are relatively lightweight while preparing an emergency go-bag. You might also consider maintaining trolley bags, but keep in mind that you'll need to flee with the bag if everything goes wrong. Choose sensibly.
What You Should Pack In Emergency Go-Bag
Food is the most important item in your Evacuation Bag. Though the experts say that you can survive around 3 weeks without food, we believe no one would want themselves in this situation.
Your mental and physical health will undoubtedly suffer badly, and you will be unable to move far from one location to another. Ultimately you won't be able to survive.
So it's critical to meet your daily calorie requirements, which can be accomplished with the help of "Freeze Dried Meals."
There are many companies that offer Best Freeze Dried Food Meals that will help you survive and you can buy, preserve them without worrying about their expiration. (They have a longer shelf life.)
Simply go to Best Survival Food Companies 2020.
The packages are available in pouches, buckets, and emergency kits, and you can select the one that best suits your needs.
The best part about these food packages is that you don't have to do any cooking. All you have to do now is "Add Hot Water" and "Enjoy Your Meal."
Safecastle provides you with a variety of Freeze Dried Meals and you can buy them as per your needs.
Water is the most important aspect of your survival because you will not be able to survive for more than three days without it. You can keep several water bottles on hand, but if the crisis lasts longer or you end up in an area where there is no water to drink, you'll need to come up with some alternatives.
You will need at least 3 liters of water per person per day. It is recommended to have a water filter as well, in case you need to purify water from natural sources.
Safeacastle is an Authorized Berkey Dealer and you can shop all Berkey Water Filter Systems at affordable prices.

If you are on medication, you must keep it for at least 4-5 days so that by the time you find a store to get more or refill it, you should have something in your stock. You must be certain and cautious about your health.
Imagine you are surviving out during an emergency and you end up in the woods or in an area where the power has been turned off. To survive in that situation, you should carry an LED flash or lamp as well as some extra batteries. You should also keep some power backups for your mobile phone.
If you have a large group and several vehicles, you should consider purchasing a Breeze Power Solar Generator to provide power backup in your tents or to charge your devices.

It is an addition to your Go Bag Essentials, but crucial to your survival. Because an emergency can occur at any time and from any location, you would be unaware of the weather conditions outside.
So, you should put some of your money toward good quality clothing, such as waterproof jackets, pants, gloves, and good hiking shoes, so that you can travel from one place to another in any weather.
Something that will protect you from the elements and keep you warm.

You should also keep important documents for your identity with you, such as your driver's license, social security card, passport, local maps so that you can navigate all around and even get in touch with the government for help with your ID’s.
Moreover, you can upload all your documents and maps in a Google drive as well & can access all of them anywhere anytime you need them.
Consider keeping small items such as a First Aid Kit, hand sanitizers, and multiple functional tools that can help you effectively survive any emergency situation.
So, these are some important Emergency Go Bag Essentials that you should keep on hand at all times and analyze and update the Go Bag Contents every six months.
Visit Safecastle for more information or to shop for emergency supplies.